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S2:E22 Archery Prep

Man this year is just flying by! It seems like just yesterday that we were trying to figure out the hunts that we wanted to put in for and now we are only a couple of months from the hunt! It is past time to get rolling on building up that muscle memory again. We are starting to get ready for our upcoming Antelope archery hunt. Last year we did not hunt archery and so it has been a while since the old stick and string were picked up. There are some definite steps that we feel are important to getting back to shooting shape. As working folk and family men, it can be hard to set aside dedicated time to shoot your bow every day or even on a consistent basis. We sit down to talk about what we have planned to get in archery shape. President Dwight D. Eisenhower said,

“In preparing for battle I have always found that plans are useless, but planning is indispensable.”

We couldn’t agree more! While plans may not always work out, its often the effort to plot a course that lends to the overall success of an endeavor. Come listen in to this week’s Nada Grande Outdoors Podcast.

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